Thursday, January 21, 2010

Birthday thoughts

As I joyously watched a few candles burn brightly, lights of delight that were mere representatives of my true age, I pondered why cake became the dessert of celebration.

Of course, candles can go on almost anything, as they did on my pot de creme I had for lunch, or on the bagel pictured here.

But cake reigns. "That takes the cake." "Let them eat cake." "It was a cakewalk." And although I didn't eat (much) of the cakes that were presented in my honor, I enjoyed watching the children who come to St. Paul's community dinners each Wednesday eagerly await their slices, and the adults after them.

And I am constantly amazed at the quality and variety of the dishes that Iris and Tony Potter provide each week, good wholesome meats and vegetable dishes, that the church offers as a gift to the community (but donations are joyfully accepted). It is a great way to meet people and catch up with their lives.

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