Thursday, January 15, 2009

You are what you eat

Women's Health magazine had a good article last month about why we crave certain foods during winter, but it was broken down by body part and took a while to get through. I found this excellent little summary of it on, of all places, the Sierra Trading Post blog.

1. Eat cottage cheese to strengthen and add vibrance to dull winter hair.

2. Eat dark leafy greens and fish high in Omega-3 fatty acids to give your tired brain a boost.

3. Eat sunflower seeds (or other foods high in Vitamin E) to fight hay fever and nasal drip.

4. Eat eggs (yolk and all) to help your eyes see clearly when darkness falls.

5. Eat tomatoes and shelled hemp seeds to ward off the wrinkles and UV damage that come with sun exposure on snowy ski slopes.

6. Eat walnuts for their Omega-3 fatty acids to keep your lips chap-free and naturally moisturized.

To read the full article (part by part) by Matthew G. Kadey, M.S., R.D., in Women's Health magazine, click here.

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