Friday, January 22, 2010

California tried to come here...

... but didn't quite make it. A friend made a special effort to ship my favorite olive oil to me, even going to the Sunday farmers market under the freeway in Sacramento to buy it from the grower, but the box arrived yesterday minus its bottle. There's a reason "Thou shalt not steal" made it into the top 10 of the commandments, and I'm sure the oil won't completely calm the waters of its thief''s roiling conscience. To read a review of the missing oil, click here.

And for those of you in or visiting Southern California soon, be sure to check out a very interesting exhibit at Heath Ceramics in Los Angeles. Clare Crespo has created an entire Mardi Gras feast with yarn versions of seafood gumbo, beignets and cafĂ© au lait, king cake, catfish po’ boy, and more. Her oysters are pictured here.

The show’s opening is on Feb. 6 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Heath, featuring complimentary Abita beer and other pre-Fat Tuesday offerings.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Birthday thoughts

As I joyously watched a few candles burn brightly, lights of delight that were mere representatives of my true age, I pondered why cake became the dessert of celebration.

Of course, candles can go on almost anything, as they did on my pot de creme I had for lunch, or on the bagel pictured here.

But cake reigns. "That takes the cake." "Let them eat cake." "It was a cakewalk." And although I didn't eat (much) of the cakes that were presented in my honor, I enjoyed watching the children who come to St. Paul's community dinners each Wednesday eagerly await their slices, and the adults after them.

And I am constantly amazed at the quality and variety of the dishes that Iris and Tony Potter provide each week, good wholesome meats and vegetable dishes, that the church offers as a gift to the community (but donations are joyfully accepted). It is a great way to meet people and catch up with their lives.