Sunday, May 10, 2009

The steaks are high

Before we all knew the dangers of red meat, I would swear that the only thing that could get me over the flu was a good steak. I love almost everything about beef, especially its smell.

I don't eat much red meat anymore, but on the few occasions that I do, I try to make sure it is really good beef. 

Last night, I cooked two T-bones I got from Heartland Farms. Oh, heaven. The T-bone is a funny cut of meat, with a tiny filet-tender piece on one side and an a rough-and-tumble larger chewy piece on the other. Bring to room temperature before cooking, salt and pepper it, either grill or pan fry it, and here's my favorite part: A squeeze of lemon juice. I got that from a loud and funky steak house in Dallas, which closed before the millennium, I believe. But it left a delicious legacy.

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